The Red Thread


‘The common theme, purpose, or destiny, woven through a series of events, relationships, or experiences, that creates a sense of continuity and interconnectedness.’



‘The Red Thread’ project is about illustrating the invisible connection between people, uniting us as a tribe and as a species.

Each time Jamie runs a session of the project, a group of participants will have their appointments on a single day. At the start, the ‘red thread’ will be connected from one client to the next. Jamie will continue to run this project indefinitely across different cities, countries and continents – joining people from all over the world.

Jamie will tattoo the line with a 7RL needle, so the end result will be approximately 1-1.5mm thick (depending on the individual’s skin and the placement area).* Clients can choose the placement area and whether the design will be a singular straight line, or a line featuring a 90º angle (Jamie won’t be including curves at this time).

Clients can choose to be a part of this project solo or with another person they’d like to be connected to.

* The mock-ups are for illustration purposes only and do not reflect the correct proportions of the line.