Jamie’s books next open on Sunday 18 August

Jamie will be taking bookings for his home studio in Edinburgh for Sept-Nov appointments in this round of bookings.

To Book:

Please email from (or schedule an email to arrive at) 10:00 on booking day with the following information:

  • Your name and the location you are booking for

  • The flash design or project you are interested in (screenshots are best)

  • Your placement idea(s)

Jamie will upload new designs to the website shortly before booking day begins.

Please do not email before this date as we try to make the booking process as smooth as possible by nominating a specific day in order to keep up with the workflow and give the requests our full focus.

The email address for bookings is: jamjam.tattoo@gmail.com

Booking information:

  • There are some placement areas Jamie does not tattoo, including ribs/side body and the stomach (design dependent), so please do not be offended if Jamie decides he doesn’t feel comfortable doing the tattoo in the placement you want.

    Please let us know in your email which placement you are considering. Attaching pictures can be helpful, especially if you want Jamie to work around other tattoos.

  • Jamie is not taking on custom projects at this time. He is choosing to concentrate on developing his style and flash designs, but may take on custom projects in future.

    However, Jamie does take on freehand projects which are always custom to each client as they are drawn directly onto the skin, working with and complementing the contours of the body. Jamie is currently offering freehand lines, botanicals, and some animals. If you are interested in a freehand project, it is important that you send pictures of your chosen placement area(s).

    You can also choose one or a few of his flash designs which has can customise into a larger project.

  • Deposits for appointments at Jamie’s home studio are £100 (or £200 where variations are made to the design), payable by bank transfer.

    Deposits for guest spots are €100 (or €200 where variations are made to the design), and are payable by bank transfer or PayPal.

    Deposits count towards the final cost of the tattoo.

    A booking is not confirmed until the deposit has been received. The deposit is non-refundable.

  • Jamie is always open to hearing ideas on changing a design to better fit your project. But please don’t be disappointed if there are aspects he is not willing to change. He wants you to be happy with the tattoo, of course, but he is not willing to sacrifice the integrity of his original design.

    If you want to swap a flash design you’ve previously booked for another one, that’s no problem – just email us and let us know the design you would like to change to. As long as it’s available, that’s fine!

  • Deposits are non-refundable. Any cancellations will therefore mean the loss of the deposit. Please be sure you are willing to commit to the appointment, financially and otherwise.

    Appointments may be rescheduled once without losing the deposit, provided that you give us more than 7 days’ notice.  

    Rescheduled appointments must be within six months of the original date for the deposit to remain valid.

    If you request to reschedule with less than 7 days’ notice, you will need to pay a new deposit.

    These policies reflect the fact that Jamie is an independent professional tattoo artist and all cancellations therefore mean a significant loss of income. It is also very difficult and time-consuming for Jamie to get last-minute appointments to cover any cancellations as his style is quite specialised, and many potential clients cannot take time off work at short notice to attend a session.