Photo competition!

1st prize - 1/2 day session

2nd prize - £200 voucher

3rd prize - £200 voucher

Competition open until 28/04


Competition open until 28/04 //

This photo competition is open Jamie’s existing clients with healed tattoos more that 4 weeks old. This is an opportunity to get creative, to express how your tattoo makes you feel and how it affects your relationship to yourself and your body. It’s really important for tattoo artists to show how their work looks healed and how it has aged over time and so Jamie thought this competition would be a great way to both showcase his work, and to encourage clients to get creative with some self expression!

Entry information

  • Simply send an email, WeTransfer or G Drive link to by the 28th of April.

  • Some images will be posted on instagram in stories and in posts.

    Jamie also plans to make a page on his website just for healed images. He dosnt’t promise every image will be posted as he wants to focus mostly on the styles that best reflect his style but it is still important for him see all tattoos healed.

  • The style of the images are totally up to you! Jamie wants to see how the tattoo makes you feel and so perhaps channel this feeling though the photos. It can be a super minimal, plain image or something outdoors in nature, anything goes!

    The images can landscape or portrait and can even be taken on a phone, no need to hire proffessional photographer for this!

  • Generally Jamie would like these images to be as natural as possible with no editing to the tattoo.

    You can however, make some adjustments to the lighting such as exposure, for example, if the image needs it.

  • Jamie would like from 1-6 images per tattoo for the entry

  • Clothing and styling is completely up to you! Bring out your personal style!

    Jamie cannot post images with nipples on instagram (yes even men’s sometimes) so he may need to blur or crop them out. But as he will make a page on his website for healed images it is possible to showcase them there. Nudity is of course not a must, but if you feel comfortable and it makes sense for the tattoo then it is fine to do.

  • Jamie will choose his top three favourite images as the winners of the competition.

    1st prize - 1/2 day session. This can be used towards full day session or larger projects. Only valid at The Island.

    2nd & 3rd - £200 vouchers valid for Jamie at The Island and guest spots.

Winners will be announced that following week!